For some gamblers, gambling may not be a problem. But for many, online gambling has had a devastating effect on their lives and on those around them. Stories abound of maxed out credit cards, accumulation of debt, second mortgages for covering gambling losses, jobs lost, divorce and even worse.
We hear stories all of the time from people who want to help their husbands, wives, children and friends to stop gambling. But they feel they fighting a losing battle with easy access to gambling websites afforded by the internet. Today, it has become unrealistic to keep someone away from a computer for any extended period of time marked cards lenses.
So what can you do if you think someone you know has a gambling problem? We actually have an easy answer. The very first step you can take that will have the biggest impact, is to remove their access to online gambling. So how can you do this without harming their ability to work and do other legitimate activities online?
We recommend installing a strong but easy to use web filter like the one offered by Optenet. The Optenet PC web filter provides you with the ability to select which types of websites you want to block from any computer. Choose the gambling category and any content that is related to gambling will be automatically blocked. While some people will need counseling and other forms of support to overcome their dependency